Meeting Between the Hon. Justices of the Supreme Court and the Minister of Justice.
On\r\nSeptember 15th, 2014, Hon. Justices of the Supreme Court met Hon. Kahinda\r\nOtafire, the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to discuss\r\npertinent issues concerning the administration of justice. The issues discussed\r\nincluded the delayed appointment of the Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice;\r\nConstitutional Amendments to the Constitution affecting the judiciary; the\r\nprogress on the Judiciary Administration Bill; Terms and Conditions of Service\r\nfor judges as well as the construction of the Supreme Court.
The\r\nMinister who was received by Hon. Justice Bert Katureebe informed the Hon. Justices\r\nthat the Judicial Service Commission had submitted names of nominees for the\r\nposition of Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice to the executive and that\r\nlike as any one was anxiously awaiting a response from the appointing\r\nauthority. The Minister informed the\r\nJustices that Cabinet had approved revised retirement benefits for Judges which\r\nwould inter alia see the judges getting a vehicle and a house on retirement.\r\nWith regards to the progress on the Judiciary Administration Bill, the Minister\r\nreported that government had finalized the Bill and that the Prime Minister\r\nwould soon table the Bill before Cabinet. The Minister also informed the Hon. Justices\r\nthat the Supreme Court would be constructed by the Justice Law and Order Sector\r\nunder Public Private Partnership arrangement. The Supreme Court is expected to\r\nbe completed in 2016. At the end of the meeting the Justices conducted the\r\nMinister on a guided tour of the Supreme Court.
The\r\nmeeting was also attended by the Secretary to the Judiciary, the Chief\r\nRegistrar and the Registrars of the Supreme Court.
Report\r\nfiled by the Chief Registrar
Posted 29th, September 2014